Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am not a runner

I finished the ING half marathon today!! I did not really have a time goal (only to finish!!) but I felt great the entire race and actually had a good time. Other than slowiing down for water I was able to run the entire course. Without you and boot camp this would never had been possible. A year ago I could barely run 2 minutes at a time and I would just give up. I remember my first month of boot camp with race against yourself you encouraging me and commenting on running with group and what a difference it makes! And the "I am not a runner" email spoke directly to me! Not to sound to corny I just wanted to thank you for pushing me and encouraging me to where I am now....mentally and physically!!
Tiffany B

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How I view myself

"The American Boot Camp Company boot camp program has changed my perspective on myself. I was always an athlete in high school, but pretty much gave up fitness in college. I always figured that, as you grow up, you lose that part of yourself...the ability to push yourself that hard and accomplish so much physically. I have always belonged to a gym and have regularly exercised. I was introduced to The American Boot Camp Company Studio in the Fall of last year. I took a core class and came home feeling weak, out of shape and a bit discouraged.

I went back and joined the Studio the next day and soon inquired about Boot Camp. I figured it would be hard, but the only thing I really worried about was getting up at 5:30am. It is now 5 months of Boot Camp later and I feel like a different person! I haven't been that strict with my diet, but I have stuck with the work outs and I am so much stronger. My mile time has dropped almost 2 full minutes and I can feel the strength in my legs as I run!

Today, I feel like a strong woman and I am officially addicted to Boot Camp! The one workout that I always talk to my friends about is the long run. I had never run that far in my life the first time we did it I was so proud! Now I enter into the local 5K races (I did one last year and walked the entire thing because I thought there was no way I could run that far!) and I am even doing a 10K this year! I still never run that far unless I am at Boot Camp.

Almost all of the instructors have made an impact on my experience. However, during my first month (when I was exhausted and intimidated) I was running behind Debbie during the long run. I told myself to just keep up with her and try not to think about how difficult it was for me. Afterwards, I told her that she was my goal during the entire run. I could tell what I had said made her feel really good about herself. At that moment, I realized that the instructors weren't just crazy people that enjoyed being up at 6:00am running backwards up hills. After that, I lightened up and really started to enjoy Boot Camp and the instructors. I have loved getting to know Debbie better and all of the instructors at camp!"

- Angie, Blackburn Park Boot Camp

What I couldn't see

"I wanted to say thank you to both of you this morning. Thanks for seeing something in me that I didn't even see in myself. But this morning I finally saw "it" and got a clear view of what "it" is.

To go from not running in more than ten years to leading one of the harder workouts we do in Boot Camp is a tremendous step forward for me. It is also a tremendous source of pride for me. Thanks for making me a part of the team. I love this stuff."

Dr. Steve and his magic

"I wanted to tell you my story about Dr Steve LaScala's Soft Tissue & Chiropractic Clinic and my recent successes with Pulse Activiation Therapy.

As an active participant of Boot Camp in 2007, I developed plantar fasciitis in late 2007. I ignored it until I couldn't any more. I had continual sore feet and painful heels. I quit running. I finally went to see a great sports podiatrist, but even his recommendations of arch supports and exercises weren't enough. Thanks to your recommendation, Mari, I had seen Dr LaScala in the Spring 2007 for a fussy right ankle. I figured that I better see him again; to see if ART would help me again.
This turned out to be one of my better ideas! Not only was the ART very helpful, Dr LaScala had acquired a new therapy since I'd seen him last. Called Pulse Activation Therapy, this new therapy has greatly improved my plantar fasciitis. The internet, friends and even the podiatrist said that this is a long lasting injury - 6 to 9 months - and I'm already back at Boot Camp - after only two sessions with Pulse Activation! I'm still playing catch up, but I will be running the Soldier Field 10 miler in Chicago Memorial Day weekend! I couldn't have done it without Dr Steve and this wondrous therapy.

I would highly recommend Dr Steve, the Soft Tissue & Chiropractic Clinic and Pulse Activation Therapy for anyone with similar issues as mine. Dr Steve will also tell you it has other applications and resulting successes. Thanks so much for letting me know about this!

I wanted to get back in shape and needed to be motivated

"I wanted something that I knew was going to get me back in shape. I just needed something that would make me motivated and knew that if I paid 350.00, that I would do it. The first day that I got there and ran the mile, my time was 12:45 and I thought that I was going to die. This made me realize what TERRIBLE shape that I was in because I used to run a lot, but just hadn't in a long time. The second time that I ran it, my time was 10:45, the third was 10:02 and the fourth was 9:20. When I crossed that finish line at 9:20, I screamed woo-hoo!!!! I could not believe what an improvement I had made.

This has been a life changing experience for me. I thought that I would do Boot Camp for that one month and be done with it, but now I continue to do it because it is so wonderful. I was thinking the other day, that not only do I love this, but I feel like we are somewhat of a little family....we are all there same time everyday with the same instructors, pulling for one another to push ourselves harder and harder! It has been an amazing experience and one that I will never forget. Now, my next goal is a 9:00 minute mile!!! Hoooay!!!"

I would say one of the workouts that stood out the most in my mind was the one where we were on the lower field (baseball) and we ran circles. Mari would blow the whistle once and we would jog, then when she blew it twice we would sprint, then when she blew it again we would do either push ups, sit ups, or an ab bridge. I thought that I was going to die at the end, but loved it after-wards!"
- Kim, Blackburn Park Boot Camp