Thursday, February 19, 2009


I want to let you know how much I appreciate you and your fellow "black shirts by your side". As I approach my tenth month of boot camp, I found myself reflecting on the way home this morning about the amazing metamorphosis I have been through both mentally and physically, thanks to your team. By following a mantra, "just show up" at 5:45AM, I choose to take care of my wellness first and this better prepares me for the day to day stresses of life. For many years, I have chosen the opposite approach which left me with no energy to exercise in the pm. Physically, I am in better shape today than I have been since college. Truly amazing!!!

Rolling out of bed at 5AM has NEVER been a realistic option in my life, but this morning was especially difficult as I knew heavy rain was in the forecast. "Just showing up" on a cold, rainy morning was a gratifying success and the best way to start my 41st birth day. Rolling around in the mud was cathartic and perhaps enjoyable if you want to call it that. I may not be the youngest camper out there each morning, but as the always cheerful Emily says, "BRING IT!"

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